Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Series Information.

Episode Summaries

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17-21 of 50

Believe in the Sign of ZETA


Episode 17: "Hong Kong City"


 The Audomura heads for New Guinea to capture another shuttle so Camille can return to the Ahgama. Kai has contacts with the Luio Company in Hong Kong that will get them the weapons they need for this mission. Braun's personal aide Ben Wooda assumes command of the Titan Garuda super plane and continues the pursuit.

Murasame Psychic Institute sends the experimental Psycho Gundam (MRX-009) and crew to replace the Asshimar. Wooda is not pleased to learn that both new crewmembers are women -- the "synthetic" Newtype Four Murasame and her mentor Namikar Cornell.

Amuro and Irma check out the Luio Company, where Amuro spots Mirai Noah (nee Yashima), who piloted White Base during the One Year War. She is now married to Bright Noah and is trying to get on a shuttle flight to a space colony with their two children, Hathaway and Charmaine.

Amuro tries to speed things up and is set upon by company goons, attracting the attention of Stephanie Luio. Irma, Mirai and the kids get away while the guards pile into Amuro, getting to the street just in time to witness the arrival of Psycho Gundam.

The new Psycho Gundam is huge -- twice as tall as the Mark-II in which Camille flies out to do battle -- and powered entirely by Four's Newtype psychic energy. Camille, Amuro and Mirai all feel its powerful aura. The monster Psycho Gundam batters the Mark-II across Hong Kong until Camille uses his own Newtype power to break Four's concentration.

Stephanie seems quite taken with Amuro as she agrees to give them the weapons they need for their raid on New Guinea.

Episode 18: "Captive Mirai"


Four sneaks off the Garuda to track down the (to her) unknown pilot of the Mark-II who touched her mind so deeply.

Amuro escorts Mirai and the children aboard a cruise ship that will take them to relative safety until the Kalaba can find a way to reunite them with Bright on the Ahgama. Four comes ashore near the marina and notices Camille waiting for Amuro. After hearing Amuro's name called, she hitches a ride with Camille to get a line on the Mark-II pilot.

Mirai and the children are kidnapped while Camille and Four are driving around Hong Kong. The Titans will release them for the surrender of the Audomura, but Amuro trades himself instead.

Camille goes to the rescue in the Mark-II, surprising the submerged Marine Hizack (MS-06M) ambushers by coming in underwater himself.


  Episode 19: "Cinderella Four"


 The mayor of Hong Kong, caught between the two warring powers, orders the Audomura to leave before the city loses its neutrality.

Camille sneaks away to look for Four, who now carries a Titan homing device. Camille and Four are attracted by their Newtype affinity. Four has no memory of her life before the enhancement treatment at the Institute, where she was the fourth subject: Murasame #4 (MRX-004).

Wooda attacks Hong Kong in Psycho Gundam, but lacks the Newtype power to control it properly. Amuro takes the Mark-II against it, but Psycho Gundam simply can't be stopped with physical force. Four is attuned to Psycho Gundam and uses her power to regain control of it while Amuro picks up Camille.

As Camille drops Amuro off and takes over the Mark-II, Four realizes that he is the Enemy she's been seeking. She is confused by her affinity with Camille, which she tries to reject, and memories of her former life, which return in painful flashes.

Camille tries to talk her out of it, but Four is maddened by her inner conflicts and attacks with increasing savagery until Amuro gets Camille to retreat. The battle ends in a draw.

The Audomura leaves Hong Kong to prevent any more attacks on the city.

Episode 20: "Fiery Escape"


Camille sulks over the loss of Four, refusing to get out of bed. Amuro understands his feelings, having still not come to terms with his own feelings about Char.

The Garuda continues to pursue the Audomura. Hyato gets word from Hong Kong that the Ahgama will soon be in range for another shuttle rendezvous as Four leads a squad of Hizacks against the Audomura.

Amuro goes out to meet them in the Rick Dias, followed by Camille in the Mark-II. Four, determined to make up for past defeats, orders the Hizack squad to stay back while she flies in close to destroy the Audomura. Hyato responds by launching the new Nemo (MSA-003).

Camille holds back until Four captures Amuro's Rick Dias, his attack coinciding with another flashback. The battle rages across the North Pacific, until Camille and Four confront each other mentally as well as physically. Through their psychic bond, Four learns of the death of Camille's mother and he feels her longing for the freedom of space.

Wooda orders all noncombatants off the Garuda as he prepares to ram the Audomura, but Four rams the Garuda with Psyco Gundam first. She tears a rocket booster loose before being shot down by Wooda. Amuro convinces Camille to use the rocket booster to return to the Ahgama, and then rams the Garuda with his flying sled, which crashes through the fuel cells and blows the super plane to atoms as Amuro flies to safety.

Camille thinks of Four as he returns to the Ahgama, where Fa is now with Quattro.


Episode 21: "Zeta's Heartbeat"


The Titans launch "Operation Apollo" to take control of Von Braun City on the far side of the Moon. Scirocco gives Jamitov a loyalty oath sealed in blood and is appointed commander of the battleship Dogoth Gear.

Jared and Moira Pharaoh, the Titan pilot who saved Jared's life in the AEUGO attack on Jabrow, are also placed under Scirocco's command and given the new Gabthley (RX-110). Jared is quite pleased with them after a test run against the Messala. Scirocco plans to control the Earth sector when the war is over and recruits Jared and Moira to this end.

Emma worries about Camille as the Ahgama approaches Side 2. Both are nearly killed when the Ahgama is attacked by the Gabthleys. Emma's Rick Dias is destroyed as she ejects and Camille is forced to abandon the crippled Mark-II. Fa rescues them as the Gabthleys are caught in the crossfire of Z-Gundam (MSZ-006) and the Ahgama's Mega Particle Cannon.

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Series Information.

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Episode Summaries 22 to 26 of 50


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