Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Series Information.

Episode Summaries

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37-41 of 50

Believe in the Sign of ZETA


Episode 37: "Dakar's Day"


Jared is aboard the Garuda super plane pursuing the Audomura, which is en route to Dakar to interrupt an Assembly meeting and use its global broadcast facilities to voice AEUGO and Kalaba grievances. Irma charms her way past the young Titan pilot Eiji to rendezvous with Quattro, airlifted by Amuro's Dijeh and flying sled.

While Irma holds the Assembly at gunpoint, Quattro takes the podium and reveals his true identity, saying he speaks not as Char Aznable of the Zion Empire but as the son of Deacon Zion. Zion didn't set out to satisfy personal ambitions, like the Zabi dynasty that murdered him and stole his name, but to step into the sky for the true advancement of mankind. "Not to abandon Earth, as Earth is our mother, we must now go out on our own!"

The broadcast is seen by Eiji, who spots Irma, and by Sayla Maas, the alias of Char's younger sister Artesia. Eiji and his cohort launch their Asshimars just as Jared takes off in the Byarlant with a squadron of Custom Hizacks (RMS-106CS).

During the dogfight over the city, one of the Asshimars is hit and only Eiji's timely assistance keeps it from crashing in downtown Dakar. Eiji can't hold it and both are about to crash when Camille rescues them in Z-Gundam.

Jared attacks viciously, tearing up a downtown city block to get at Z-Gundam. As he closes in for the kill, he is attacked in turn by Eiji' Asshimar -- his way of repaying Camille's earlier rescue.

Irma hears the battle raging outside the Assembly and takes a cameraman to the roof. There they broadcast evidence of Titan ruthlessness as Jared attacks Eiji's Asshimar.

The Kalaba and AEUG forces make a safe retreat as the EUG Assembly and the world at large officially condemn the Titan's actions. Amuro and Quattro are now truly on the same side.

Episode 38: "Reccoa's Sign"


Jared continues his pursuit of the Audomura. The Titans attack just as final preparations are underway for Quattro and Camille to launch a two-man shuttle back to the Ahgama. The blast from the shuttle blows Jared's Byarlant off its sled, making him an easy target for Amuro's Dijeh.

The waiting Ahgama is also under attack by the Titans, led by Yazan. As the shuttle nears rendezvous, Shinta and Qum sneak aboard the Methuss and take off to help them. Bright sends Fa to regain control of the Methuss while Quattro sets up the Mega Bazooka in the shuttle cargo bay.

Reccoa is aboard the Titan battleship, giving tactical advice. Camille and Reccoa sense each other's presence and Camille upsets Quattro's aim as Reccoa warns the Titan captain. Quattro's shot barely misses the Titan ship, which retreats.

Aboard the Ahgama, Appori mourns a fellow pilot killed by Yazan's Hambrabi. Bright welcomes Quattro and Camille, who are disturbed by Reccoa's reappearance as an enemy.

Episode 39: "Lakeside"


The Ahgama returns to Bunch 25 (Side 2) for supplies. Camille and Fa take the children on a sightseeing excursion of the colony.

The Titans regroup at Grips 2 (Side 7) while Jamitov and Basque plan their next move against AEUGO with Scirocco.

Rosamia is sent as a spy to Bunch 25. She is drawn to Camille, whom she insists is her brother, and forces herself on the party, refusing to part company with him.

During a rustic wagon-ride, Rosamia shows Camille a picture of her family, from whom she was separated during the One Year War. The boy she identifies as her brother could easily be mistaken for Camille.

Quattro, patrolling in the Type-100, is attacked by a pair of Custom Hizacks. Camille senses Quattro's situation and takes everyone on a boat ride on the lake -- Camille and the children in one boat, Fa and Rosamia in the other. A stray shot holes the colony and the battle moves inside.

At the lake, Camille and Rosamia trade places and he and Fa row into the reeds. Rosamia gets Minerva to join her and the children, much to Haman's dismay. Haman and Camille catch sight of each other as the battle enters their area.

Another wild shot blows a hole in the "bottom" of the lake, with life-threatening results for everyone. Haman reclaims Minerva and gets away while Quattro repairs the hull.

Aboard the Ahgama, Camille introduces Rosamia while Fa looks on with obvious jealousy for the sexy newcomer's open displays of sisterly affection.

Episode 40: "Grips Debut"


The Ahgama prepares to attack Grips 2 before the Colony Laser can be deployed. Rosamia, like her predecessor Four, displays wild mood swings and headaches, behaving childishly much of the time. She especially displays a childish fear of doctors, which makes Emma suspicious.

At Grips 2, Reccoa is enchanted by Scirocco, who gives her the Messala to lead a squad of Barzams against the Ahgama.

Camille recognizes the Messala, which was last piloted by Sara. He and Emma are shocked to learn that it's now piloted by Reccoa, who is unhappy about changing sides but certain of Scirocco's success.

Z-Gundam pins the Messala against an asteroid and Camille tries to talk to Reccoa, but she rejects him and escapes.

Basque fires the Colony Laser at Side 2, destroying Bunch 18 the same way Giren Zabi destroyed the Peace Conference during the One Year War.

Everyone aboard the Ahgama witnesses the destruction and the ship retreats with morale at an all-time low. Reccoa is disturbed by the senseless deaths and her part in making them possible as Camille vows to avenge all who have died at the hands of the Titans.

Episode 41: "The Awakening"


Rosamia refuses to see the doctor until Shinta and Qum convince her by example that there's nothing to fear.

Aboard the Dogoth Gear, Basque orders Reccoa to prove her new loyalties by leading an attack on Bunch 21 (Side 2).

Reccoa's Messala and the pair of Hizacks with the G-3 nerve gas bomb are detected by the colony and intercepted by a squad of Nemos. Camille in Z-Gundam and Emma in the Mark-II take off to join them, but Quattro stays behind to keep an eye on Rozamia.

Using the children as a diversion, Rosamia takes a Nemo (which she derisively calls "A simple machine!") and chases after her "brother" with Quattro close behind in the Type-100.

Meanwhile, the G-3 is released into Bunch 21 with deadly effect. Camille senses the deaths of the eight million inhabitants.

Battle is joined. Camille sees Reccoa in the Messala, but is accosted by Rosamia before he can confront her. Camille and Rosamia enter Bunch 21 through a breach in the hull. Rosamia witnesses the mass murder as Camille exacts a measure of revenge by blasting the Hizacks. Quattro confronts Reccoa, but can't bring himself to stop her.

Rosamia, like Four, falls victim to her programming and suddenly sees Camille as the Enemy. Emma keeps Rosamia from killing Camille, who stops Emma from killing Rosamia. Reccoa and Rosamia escape, leaving Camille and Quattro to reflect on the consequences of their actions.

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Series Information.

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