Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Series Information.

Episode Summaries

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12-16 of 50

Believe in the Sign of ZETA


Episode 12: "Winds Of Jabrow"


The Titans are waiting for the AEUG invaders and the two forces meet head-on in the sky and jungle around Jabrow. The inhabitants of the area feel betrayed by the EUG, which has let them be caught in the middle rather than compromise the trap, and greet the AEUG forces as liberators.

The EUG has already moved most of its major equipment out of Jabrow and set a nuclear time bomb in the central core. Camille's Mark-II defeats Jared's Marasai and, alerted by a Newtype premonition, he rescues Reccoa and Kai.

The inhabitants of Jabrow are packed into a Garuda giant transport plane, which takes off under fire from Titan ground forces ringing the area. The Garuda gets clear just as the entire Jabrow complex goes up in a nuclear fireball. It is joined in flight by the Audomura, which is flown by Hyato Kobayashi, former pilot of the Guntank (RX-75) during the One Year War.


Episode 13: "Shuttle Launch"


 Amuro Rei is under house arrest at a great mansion in Cheyenne, Wyoming, when he is visited by former White Base crewmember Frau Bau -- now married to Hyato Kobayashi -- who is on her way to Japan with her adopted children Katsu, Retsu and Kicka. Katsu is contemptuous of Amuro's pacifist refusal to take part in EUG space operations.

Quattro and Hyato prepare to transport the AEUG forces back to the Ahgama from Kennedy Space Center. Kai leaves a note for Hyato stating his certainty that Quattro is really Char Aznable. When Hyato confronts Quattro with the note, he denies it. Camille challenges the denial, but Quattro calmly replies "I am Quattro NOW."

Appori commands one of the shuttles. Just before launch, Braun Burtark attacks the Space Center in the Titan variable Mobile Armor Asshimar (NRX-004), destroying one shuttle. The AEUG forces counterattack, but Roberto's Rick Dias takes a fatal hit defending Appori's shuttle from Braun's last-ditch assault. The Asshimar breaks off the attack and retreats as Appori's shuttle lifts off.


Episode 14: "Amuro Again"


 Still under surveillance, Amuro goes to the airport to see the Kobayashis off. He and Katsu hijack the airliner and divert it to rendezvous with the giant transport plane Audomura.

Rosamia Vadam, an enhanced Newtype produced by Augusta Laboratory, attacks Audomura in the new variable Mobile Suit Gaplant (ORX-005). Camille is appalled at the power of the Gaplant -- it takes the combined power of the Mark-II and the Type-100 to defeat it.

Braun, angered by Rosamia's failure, attacks Audomura in the Asshimar. Camille and Quattro again combine forces to repel the attack. Even so, Braun is about to smash the bridge of the Audomura when Amuro and Katsu arrive. The passengers have been let off en route, so they are free to ram the Asshimar with the hijacked airliner. Katsu flies to safety using a "Homo Avis" (jet-propelled strap-on wings) while Camille rescues Amuro from the falling plane. He then comes face to face with his former enemy in the One Year War, Char Aznable.

Episode 15: "Katsu's Sortie"


 Amuro Rei is under house arrest at a great mansion in Cheyenne. Amuro has lost much of his fighting spirit during his seclusion. This angers Katsu, who has looked up to Amuro as a hero.

Beltorchika Irma, emissary from the association of former White Base crewmembers who support AEUG called "Kalaba" arrives in a replica biplane. She tells Quattro that the Kalaba can get three of the earthbound AEUG Mobile Suits back into space to rendezvous with the Ahgama. She is anything but shy and openly displays an amorous interest in Amuro.

[NOTE: "Kalaba" may be a Japanese contraction of "Collaborator" and thus indicate anyone who aids and abets AEUG or otherwise works against EUG.]

Rosamia attacks Audomura in the Gaplant again in an effort to regain Braun's favor. Katsu goes out in the Mark-II in order to shame Amuro into fighting. Rosamia almost kills the boy before Camille, in the Rick Dias, and Quattro, in the Type-100, fly to his rescue.

Irma is something more than sympathetic as Amuro berates himself for his own inability to do battle.

Katsu redeems himself for creating the current crisis by defeating the Gaplant with a surge of Newtype power. Hyato is angered by his son's actions but grudgingly forgives him as Audomura changes course for the Kalaba base at Hickory.

Episode 16: "Through The White Mist"


The Audomura is en route to Hickory by way of the Kalaba launch site where Camille, Quattro and Katsu will make their way back to the Ahgama.

Amuro has been given the Rick Dias. Irma talks to him, trying to rekindle his fighting spirit and maybe spark a little romance. Quattro also takes him aside, to allay their mutual guilt over the death of Lela Sun, who sacrificed herself to keep them from killing each other during the One Year War.

Irma takes off in her biplane to direct the Mobile Suits to the launch site. As they reach the site, Braun leads a squad of Hizacks against the Audomura. Amuro has a change of heart and attacks Braun's Asshimar.

Camille gives Katsu a gun with instructions to get Quattro on the shuttle and keep him there, then takes off to assist Amuro in the Mark-II. Camille and Amuro keep the Titan forces at bay while the shuttle lifts off. The battle ends when they team up to catch the Asshimar in their crossfire.



Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Series Information.

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